Thursday, August 18, 2005

Take That Madonna

Apparently, Madonna was recently thrown from her horse while riding it around in England. She broke her collar bone, one of her hands, and cracked three ribs. At this point I would like to thank the horse for kicking Madonna’s ass since I have not yet had the opportunity to do so myself. Let’s hope next week, Madonna will have a freak-yoga-accident and bust some teeth out of her empty head.


Anonymous said...

Madonna and the horse were probably fighting over whos teeth were bigger and more gapped!

She had it coming............competing against a horse!

morbid misanthrope said...

No shit man. That horse rules. Unfortunately, Madonna will probably turn him into a pulled-meat sandwich for disrespecting her.

drunkbh said...

Thank you Mr Ed!

badgerbob said...

So much for the power of the red string wrist band.

morbid misanthrope said...

badgerbob - I think it's more of a testament to how tired Madonna's thighs are...Hey, I'm just saying.