Thursday, July 13, 2006

Religion of Peace?

Q: How many Imams does it take to beat the ever-lovin’ shit out of a six-year-old girl?

A: One … provided she accidentally steps on his prayer rug.

Those crazy Muslims! Always doing funny stuff like this. Now I feel silly for questioning the whole religion of peace claim. My bad!
Brief story here.

New angry post about something stupid on the way.


badgerbob said...

I would love to drop a rope around the neck, of the low-down bible thumper who did this, and drag him through a cactus patch with my horse.

NewYorkMoments said...

Some stupid cunt is flaming my blog & calling me a racist & a kkk member because I said taxi drivers in NYC should have to understand English.

She's just pissed off because those aboriginees in australia think she's too fucking ugly to gang bang.

AristoNeeks said...

violence is not the answer..

i think castration .. lynching .. do unto others..

whoever did this, should have the living piss beaten out of him and his family. times 3.


Cherry! said...

Fuck me! That's a fucking joke. There are some sick units out there.

morbid misanthrope said...

badgerbob -- I think you mean koran (Qur'an) thumper. Important distinction to make.

newyorkmoments -- I can't remember where I heard this quote--probably on the tee-vee--but it went something like "Machismo--the last haven of the Neanderthal."

Here's an update:

Empty-headed, fevered, and foaming-at-the-mouth accusations of racism--the last haven of the brain-dead, whiney, politically correct, foamy-turd-slurping, cock-snot-gulping, moron. Well, something like that, anyway. Hehe, aboriginees...

neko -- I mean, you might say I advocate violence every time I open my mouth--or type something, rather--but when a grown man, an imam in a religious position of power and supposed holiness, beats up a six-year-old girl, well, you're right; he deserves some severe punishment. Hopefully something painful and funny that will be televised.

cherry! -- There certainly are; me, for example. But I never beat up kids. Not even when that little twit spilled her slurpee on me at the theater. I beat up her grandparents instead. I'm not a fucking monster.

Anonymous said...

morbid that is really awful..

morbid misanthrope said...

just thinking -- I know. That's the point.

NewYorkMoments said...

Proof that you're a genius: "foamy-turd-slurping."

morbid misanthrope said...

newyorkmoments -- Thankew ... I almost used pubic-scab-eating syphilitic, but I knew my readers were too mature to chortle at something so base.

NewYorkMoments said...

That wouldn't have phased me. I've used a similar phrase to offend one of my ex boyfriends. But.."foamy-turd-slurping" is pure genius! It takes a certain kind of mind to create such a work of art.

morbid misanthrope said...

newyorkmoments -- I'm just happy to be appreciated for my mind for a change.

honkeie said...

I think the parents should be beat black and blue with garden hoses for not killing this bastard. I dont care what the fuck my kid did, someone other than me beats on my kids I will beat them back. And oh yeah I spank my kids, hell my parents spanked me and I turned out ok lol.

morbid misanthrope said...

honkeie2 -- I don't have any kids, but I agree with you. Although, instead of getting spanked when I was a kid, I was beaten about the head and face with a sock full of stolen car hood ornaments. I still turned out fine, too.

Polyman2 said...

Kids are easy targets. The hump who did this, I can see is deeply religious, concerned about his soul.
Then again maybe I'm just empty-headed, fevered, and foaming-at-the-mouth also.

morbid misanthrope said...

polyman2 -- I find it hard to believe someone who could do that to a six-year-old girl could have a soul.

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. suplus headsets