Monday, August 01, 2005

Another Goddamn Blackout

Shit man, I woke up this morning with severely bruised knuckles and a bloody shirt. I don’t remember shit from last night. Well, I do remember having such horrific heartburn I threw up bloody vomit, and I remember getting pissed because Home Movies wasn’t on Adult Swim. After that, nothing. I hope I didn’t kill someone because if I did, I’d like to remember it.


drunkbh said...

Blogger sucks mad cock. I couldn't comment on that last post so I'll do it on this one.

That was too fuckin funny. Punk sucks. I agree. Just curious, what does it take to be a metal band?

morbid misanthrope said...

Blogger does suck, at least lately anyway.
To be a metal band you need gigantic heterosexual balls, hatred so strong you bleed black, poisonous blood, the ability to drink alcohol like a lunatic, and superb musicianship.
There's a lot more to it than that, but just consider this the abridged answer.

drunkbh said...

I got the alcohol part down but I don't think I might have a hard time with the gigantic balls.

morbid misanthrope said...

Gigantic balls would most likely hinder one's movement and probably indicate testicular cancer. So you only need figurative gigantic balls.

drunkbh said...

Well then I got that covered.

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