Friday, August 12, 2005

Human Rights Crime My Foreskin

There are a lot of silly bastards bitching about silly shit these days, but the morons called “Intactivists” take the cake. Much like the founding fathers, I appreciate limited government. For example, I don’t want some government agency telling me how to brush my teeth. But now a group of lunatics is trying to mess with kids’ wieners.

That may sound strange, but let me explain. These so-called “Intactivists” are trying to make circumcision illegal. Not totally illegal, but their mission is to get laws passed that make it illegal to circumcise a baby. They think someone has to be 18 to decide if he wants a circumcision or not. That’s real cute and everything, but it’s a bit difficult to find an 18 year old man willing to put his wang on the chopping block.

Recently, it was announced at the Third International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment in Brazil that circumcision may significantly reduce the risk of HIV infection. Hey, there’s a reason to get circumcised at birth. But no. Some assholes still have major problems with it. In fact, they call it a human rights crime.

Dr. George Denniston, president of the Seattle-based Doctors Opposing Circumcision had this to say: “It’s totally blasphemous to remove a normal body part from somebody. It totally denies that God made it.” That’s funny, because in the Bible God Himself says that circumcision is a good thing. There goes your argument jackass (read all about it in the Old Testament dickholes. Does the name Abraham ring a bell?).

I’ll be honest, I don’t miss my foreskin. When I was born, some Rabbi gave me a little wine, cut that shit off, and bandaged me up. No big deal. And I’m that much safer because of it. Plus my dick doesn’t look like an un-inflated balloon.

Then, these idiots compare male circumcision to female circumcision. What a joke. I’m no gynecologist, but based on what I learned in a few college Sociology classes, I can say that female circumcision can ruin a broad for life, whereas a male circumcision doesn’t affect a guy’s sexual prowess in any way. So for the record, female circumcision = bad; male circumcision = no big deal.

This really isn’t my area of expertise, but fuck barbed-wire if I don't make sense. Male circumcision can be beneficial to a guy, but some bored-ass toilet-lickers can’t just let it be. Their lives are so boring that they have to find something people are fine with and try to fuck it up. It’s like they don’t have anything better to do.

“Hey dear, my life is so unimportant and unfulfilling that I have to take on some kind of crazy, bullshit cause; you know, to make me feel like I can still satisfy a woman sexually. I’m not a limp-prick, I just have to stand up for something pointless and unnecessary to get it up”.

Morons. All I’m saying is if people want to circumcise their son shortly after birth, let them. Don’t make some stupid law forbidding it, because shit, when that kid grows up, reads the scientific findings, and decides he wants to be circumcised, it will be a horribly painful thing to have to endure. At least when you’re a baby, you don’t know a damn thing.


drunkbh said...

Fucking idiots! This one actually pisses me off! When a baby is circumcised is causes minor discomfort...nothing that Tylenol can't handle. It not only prevents HIV but many other STDs. It can in no way be compared to female circumcision which involves cutting away the female's clitoris. This is not done to the girls as babies but rather in their pre-teen years. It's done to prevent them from having sex because they will never be able to orgasm. Many of these young girls die from the procedure. If some dickwad thinks these are the same thing, he needs to have his dick cut off and pee through a straw for the rest of his life. Let them go save the fucking whales.

morbid misanthrope said...

This guy who's writing a bunch of letters to the UN said this: "I find it quite ironic that the United Nations condemns female circumcision as a human rights crime while it simultaneously encourages male circumcision as a preventive health measure." Apparently this dickweed doesn't understand exactly what a female circumcision entails. He doesn't understand irony either. I can't believe peons like this guy managed to avoid death earlier in life.

drunkbh said...

I'm still annoyed by this. This George Denniston retard makes little sense. I did a little research on him lastnight. He said that circumcision has reduced the size in men's dicks in a study that he did. It seems that these men were sure their thing would have been larger if it hadn't been clipped. Real fuckin' scientific! Maybe it would be larger if they weren't such pussies.

morbid misanthrope said...

It may just be me, but when a guy studies dicks for a living, there's something wrong with him.

Anonymous said...

Hey its done me good and I haven't heard no complaints!

By the way paul Thanks for posting your thoughts on my blog and how did your meeting go?

morbid misanthrope said...

Kenrick - I hope your nephew becomes a great musician. I need a good drummer. The meeting went great. One guy I met is going to pass my portfolio on to his friend at DiZinno Thompson; which is one firm I was really interested in. Also, I got a ton of freelance work. Probably about two to three months worth at least. I'm developing this company's whole corporate identity. Everything from their logo and stationary to brochures and even powerpoint presentations. I might need your eye for design on this one. I'll let you know.

Angel Singer said...

Just found your blog, hope you don't mind my stopping by....

My son cried for all of five minutes, nursed and passed out after his bris...absolutely no big deal. He cried more and had longer pain from his immunizations than he did his circumcision. I'm not male...but I have a sneaking suspicion that the same would not be true of an 18 year old male getting the big cut.

I hate to be an Uncle Leo (Seinfeld reference)...but I do have to wonder how many of these "intactivists" are anti-Semites at heart.

morbid misanthrope said...

zen angel - I wasn't traumatized from the experience myself. Hell, I don't even remember it. Of course, due to excessive drinking, I'm lucky I remember last year.
Anti-Semites? Maybe. Stupid assholes who can't go five minutes without bitching about something that doesn't concern them? It would seem so.

Anonymous said...

fuck you guys. its not that female circumcision isnt WORSE. its just that both are painful unneccesary procedures only performed because people had it done to them. and nothing more.

why let parents inflict pain unneccesarily on their children. why do they HAVE that right?

its fucking disgusting. you all need to go get a life.

morbid misanthrope said...

anonymous - You're a bed wetter aren't you? Listen, if you don't want to circumcise your kids, fine. My point, all those months ago, was laws forbidding circumcision are ridiculous.

Anyway, don't you have more important things to be getting all bent out of shape about? For example, how you're going to get laws changed so marrying your dog is legal. Fucking your dog - now that's disgusting. You need to get a life you filthy dog fucker.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
» » »

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... » » »

Anonymous said...

I thank God every day that I have a foreskin.

morbid misanthrope said...

anonymous -- Do you wear it as a hat? Because that would be hilarious.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is that the foreskin enhances sexual pleasure for both partners. The five most sensitive parts of the penis are located on the foreskin, and removing these erogenous areas (including, but not limited to, the frenulum, ridged band, over 20,000 meissner's corpuscles, and the coronal sulcus) reduces in a 4-fold decrease in sexual pleasure for the male.

Circumcision also is detrimental to the female on the receiving end. The corona glandis (the pink ring on the back of the glans, or head) acts like a barb or a hook during intercourse...scraping lubrication out of the vagina. This makes for very rough sex. Circumcision is the leading cause of soreness after intercourse and vaginal dryness. Also, the strokes of the intact male are shorter, gentler, and stimulate the clitoris moreso than those of the circumcised male, thus the female has better odds at achieving orgasm with an intact partner than with a circumcised partner.

As for AIDS, well, circumcision is only partially effective, and note it's only recommended in areas where there is no sex education. Wearing a condom is much more effective than circumcision.

Neither the American Medical Association nor the American Association of Pediatrics recommend circumcision.

And yes, I feel I'm qualified on this subject as I am a cut male and I hate my parents' guts for doing it to me. I hate them so bad, now that I know what was robbed from me, that I won't even talk to them. I'm restoring my foreskin, but as it lacks such erogenous structures such as the frenulum, etc., it won't give me the same amount of sensitivity that a real foreskin would. It will, however, act like a foreskin in such a way to provide lubrication and keep my glans (head) moist so that it is more sensitive. At least some of the damage is reversible.

Anonymous said...

Morbid Misanthrope, you are a moron. You do not want to even contemplate missing what you had because you can never have it back.

You said:
"it’s a bit difficult to find an 18 year old man willing to put his wang on the chopping block"

Maybe that's because its a horrible idea that no sane person would do to themselves?

The foreskin is filled with nerves, nerves you never get back, sensation during sex that you never get back when it is removed. Who would choose to permanently feel less sensation during sex without ever actually feeling the sensation at least once?

You need to retitle your blog because you are hardly a real misanthrope. You favor circumcision, so does the vast majority of the U.S. which means you are of the same mind as most of the rest of the lemmings in this country (hispanic immigrants have been the cause of lower polling rates for circumcision, whites still are around 90%).

P.S. Some forms of female circumcision remove only the clitoral hood which some roughly equate to the foreskin. Still people in the U.S. would consider it barbaric.

P.P.S. Here is a solution to HIV, where a freakin condom numb nuts.

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