Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Completely Misguided Memorial

I just saw the Flight 93 Memorial that was unveiled last week, and I am pissed.

Flight 93 was hijacked by fanatical, Muslim terrorists in an attempt (most likely) to crash the plane into the White House. But because of the brave American badasses who sacrificed their lives to foil the terrorists’ plans and crashed the plane in an empty field in Shanksville, Pa., Flight 93 has become known as the “Flight that Fought Back.”

Passenger Todd Beamer’s last words before attacking the terrorists were, “Let’s roll.” That statement completely sums up the attitudes of those brave Americans that gave their lives to stop a terrorist attack on our great country. That is what any memorial to Flight 93 should be: a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of those passengers who were determined to fight back against those seeking to destroy America.

But instead, the “Crescent of Embrace” was unveiled. The memorial, which is a crescent of maple trees surrounding the crash site, is meant to convey a sense of “healing” and “contemplation.” Well, either in one colossal failure to catch the obvious, or yet another spineless act of politically correct cowardice, the crescent happens to be a Muslim symbol; you know one of the religious symbols Muslim extremists use to justify the murder of innocent people in terrorist attacks worldwide.

In my opinion, the memorial is less “Crescent of Embrace” and more “Crescent to Placate Muslims Who Might Be Offended by a Monument Praising Americans for Stopping a Terrorist Attack on America.” You just don’t use an Islamic symbol to honor the sacrifice and memory of people killed by Islamic terrorists.

Also, as Michelle Malkin put it so well in a recent article regarding the so-called memorial, “Let's set aside the utter boneheaded-ness of using a symbol that, inadvertently or not, commemorates the killers' faith instead of the victims' revolt. The soft-and-fuzzy memorial design of ‘Crescent of Embrace’ still does injustice to the steely courage of Flight 93's passengers and crew.”

Paul Murdoch, the architect responsible for the memorial also hung wind chimes in a tower at the site “as a gesture of healing and bonding.” Who exactly are we supposed to be bonding with? This all sounds like a bunch of politically correct bullshit to encourage people to love and respect everyone else; especially people who blow up airplanes full of innocent Americans. And that is why I’m pissed.


morbid misanthrope said...

osama - Cute. Shit, like I've never heard that before. Too bad Allah has all his boys blowing up innocent people. To say that people are defending their Holy Land (which, by the way, rightfully belongs to Israel) by blowing up innocent people is a foolish assertion that only a buffoon would utter. Fuck off.

Willow - I don't know where Murdoch's ideas came from, but considering the Memorial was partially funded ($500,000 grant) by the far-left Heinz Endowments, I'm not completely surprised how the memorial turned out. I'm still pissed about it, just not as surprised.

drunkbh said...

I'm sure the families of the passengers of Flight 93 will be thrilled to know that their loved one's heroics were honored with such a display. I wonder how long it will take someone to chop those bitches down.

morbid misanthrope said...

drunkbh - It's a pity. They should have just made a big statue of some of the passengers kicking the terrorists’ asses with a big bald eagle and American flag mural in the background.
There is simply no excuse for using an Islamic symbol to honor the memory and heroism of Americans who died while stopping Islamic extremists.

badgerbob said...

Good post morb, I say round them up and kick them out, until they start publicly denouncing their fellow countrymen. The muslims in America are much too silent on this subject.

morbid misanthrope said...

badgerbob - Yeah really. If Islam is really a religion of peace like many claim, why don't more Muslims in America (and worldwide) condemn the actions of Muslim terrorists?

morbid misanthrope said...

osamahatesu - This shit again? Not only do you suck, you're also boring and repetitive.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »