Thursday, February 08, 2007

"Hell Yeah, Bitches!"

(Make sure to watch this video with sound.)


badgerbob said...

This should provide for some interesting backlash. Hopefully it wasn't another wrong target full of Chinese people. we don't have the manpower to take on another battle front.
Other than that, it was quite enjoyable.

honkeie said...

blow them all away...far far away!

morbid misanthrope said...

badgerbob -- I, for one, am always happy when we kill the bad guys. You won't see it on the news, but recently Coalition Forces conducted an air strike targeting an al-Qaida in Iraq-related vehicle-borne improvised explosives devices network near Arab Jabour and captured six important terrorist leaders, including a key aide to Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the man who replaced Abu Musab al Zarqawi as the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq. I believe all that happened in about 48 hours.

On the other hand, the Chinese are asking for it. What with all their communism and blowing up satelites.

honkeie2 -- Send them all to Allah land.

drunkbh said...

Very entertaining...

morbid misanthrope said...

drunkbh -- Yes, it is. Long time no see.

NewYorkMoments said...

Sounds like he came HARD!

morbid misanthrope said...

newyorkmoments -- I think he was just happy the bad guy got exploded.

Ken said...

Booya, baby! Line up another 72 virgins!

Very creative blog, Morbid Misanthrope. Damn near soiled the Depends with that post just prior to this one... “severe narcoleptic strangling a baby seal...” Funniest line I’ve read in a long while.

Anonymous said...

Their laughter sounded so infectious and carefree, that if I hadn't been watching the video I could easily have believed that they were watching a Superbowl field goal or playing a video game. I guess you do whatever it takes to survive, and if that means laughing at the enemy dying, because the alternative means you're not crying over a buddy...well I'd be laughing too.

morbid misanthrope said...

ken -- Not only do Muslim martyrs get the 72 virgins, they are also rewarded with lots of young boys to defile. No joke. Since paradise is a place to do and get away with all the stuff forbidden in life, pederasty is one of the many pleasures residents of Allah Land get to enjoy (Qur'an 52:24, 56:17, and 76:19).

Thanks for stopping by.

willow -- I laugh at the enemy dying every time it happens. Our troops kick ass and risk everything to make sure the enemies of this country eat shit. If I were a sissy it'd bring a tear to my eye. Since I'm so manly, though, it makes me want to rough up a communist.

Ken said...

Morbid – thank you for the Qur’an references. I’ll be able to use those. And speaking to your point about what’s available in paradise, Mohammed apparently wasn’t willing to wait that long for his youthful encounters.

Putting it another way, what’s the least favorite topic at a Jack Murtha rally? The age of Mohammed’s youngest wife... 9.

morbid misanthrope said...

ken -- Very true. Muhammad did take a very young wife. In fact, she was actually six when they got married; however, Muhammad was a gentleman and waited to consummate the marriage until she was nine.

Taking unusually young brides isn't uncommon or even forbidden on earth, but since homosexuality is punishable by death (crushed under a big rock) in Islam, you're supposed to wait until paradise to bone young boys. (That, however, never stopped the inventor of Palestine, Yasser Arafat, from sticking it to young boys. The Mossad has video of him engaged in his beloved pederasty. He was also known to have gay relations with one of his bodyguards. I think he stuck it to Bill Clinton, too, but I don't have any proof of that. After all, Arafat was the most invited guest to the Whitehouse under ol' Billy boy.)