Friday, June 08, 2007

Funny Metal Video: "Porn Store Stiffi" by Blood Duster

Drummer playing kick drums wearing roller skates: best joke ever.


badgerbob said...

Those bunny slippers were something else.

Captain Smack said...

Holy crap! That's amazing! People still make music videos?!?

That guy's voice though, that was really freaky. It sounds just like the voice that warns me about the secret midgets that live behind the refrigerator. It also warns me not to forget to put my recycling bin out on Wednesdays.

morbid misanthrope said...

badgerbob -- It's nice to see a drummer who puts function before form. Drummers tend to make so many mistakes while performing in high heels.

captain smack -- I was surprised as well. If it weren't for music videos, people who can't read music would miss out on the song altogether....

I'll be damned, the voice that warns you of things sounds like that, too? I don't have midgets behind my fridge, so the voice usually just warns me about neighbors that are plotting against me. The voice also says if I get caught for lighting their houses on fire, he'll take all the blame. What a guy! It makes me want to listen to the song "You've Got a Friend" and eat cookie dough while the sun sets.

Prunella Jones said...

Who is Fred? Is this Fred Durst's new band? His voice has gotten strange. It sounds as if he is burping the song. I am impressed. When I try to burp the alphabet I can never get past G.

I used to have midgets living in my refrigerator but I got rid of them by filling it with tofu. They ran off screaming and to tell you the truth, I kinda miss the little buggers. True, they did eat a lot but damn those bitches could dance!

morbid misanthrope said...

prunella jones -- Fred was the wardrobe manager on the set of the video. He's a little Aboriginal guy with a penchant for cheesy Hawaiian shirts. The band had to pay Fred extra to make sure he only got black clothes for the video. Luckily for the band, which is on a tight budget, they pay Fred with moderately rare Crocodile Dundee memorabilia they get off of ebay.

Tofu got rid of refrigerator midgets? That's interesting. You know, most people just buy a cat. I have a box of Gardenburgers about to turn five years old; I wonder if they would get rid of the midgets, too.

BD said...

After watching that I think I'd rather have put my left testicle in a vice...

On a side note, good news with the diabetes.

morbid misanthrope said...

bd -- I know the video is a little highbrow, but it could grow on you.

jungle jane said...

i just spent the weekend at the Donnington festival (google it you lazy fuck) spanking my head to iron maiden, linkin park and motley crue. it was awesome, except linkin park have got a bit soft. 3 days of thrash metal and a bit of sunstroke. fucking great weekend.

morbid misanthrope said...

jungle jane -- Sounds like a good time was had by all. I'm going to a metal show (not a festival, unfortunately) later this week. I haven't been to a metal show since I saw Anal Blast over a year ago, so I'm looking forward to rocking out again. Hopefully, some pit-kicker pieces of shit will get brutalized in the pit; that's always good for a laugh.

NewYorkMoments said...

I like the fuzzy bunny slippers.

morbid misanthrope said...

newyorkmoments -- It's surprising how often I hear that.

honkeie said...

I can do the growl, I think I will start a death metal band and call it 'Midget Porn Stiffi'

morbid misanthrope said...

honkeie2 -- Your band will be a hit, I'm sure. I'd buy a ticket to that concert.