Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Try to Stay Away from Politics but...

Here is a quote from Ted Kennedy back in 1990 when Samuel Alito was confirmed to the appellate bench:

"You [Alito] have obviously had a very distinguished record, and I certainly commend you for long service in the public interest. I think it is a very commendable career and I am sure you will have a successful one as a judge."

Here’s another quote from Sen. Kennedy, this time from Monday:

"If confirmed, Alito could very well fundamentally alter the balance of the court and push it dangerously to the right, placing at risk decades of American progress in safeguarding our fundamental rights and freedoms."

That’s quite the 180 degree turn. I wonder why Kennedy’s opinion changed so drastically... Hey, I’m just saying.


J C said...

i've thought about bringing some of this to light on my own blog

but like you, i tend to shy away from politics in an open forum such as this

too many immature, petty name-callers out there to warrant any real discussion

but i'm glad someone else had the guts to

morbid misanthrope said...

j holden - I agree. I never intended for this blog to be an outlet for political discussion, but since the title of the blog is "Shit that pisses me off," it's bound to come up from time to time.

Outside of this blog I'm very interested in politics and spend the majority of my time reading books, magazines, websites, etc. to figure out where I stand on most issues.

On this blog, I'd rather just be a jerk and rant about non-political issues, but being the vulgar conservative I am, sometimes I just can't help myself. After all, I'm only fucking human.

morbid misanthrope said...

willow – Plus, he's a raging alcoholic that makes my drinking habits look almost cute, even endearing. Oh yeah, let's not forget Chappaquiddick.

morbid misanthrope said...

hulabelly - Contradictory statements are as common in the political world as bug parts are in chocolate bars.

badgerbob said...

typical political posturing . BUT, maybe he consulted the ghost of maryjo, and decided to change his mind. You should always give a drunk the benefit of doubt,.. or a swift kick to the midsection .

morbid misanthrope said...

badgerbob - Political posturing or a blatant change in opinion due to an agenda driven by special interest groups with lots of money certain politicians need to campaign and win elections? How long has Kennedy been Senator of Massachusetts? Thirty-five years?

Kennedy needs a swift kick in the midsection from Mary Jo's ghost.

J C said...

i understand morbid - it is bound to come up and i am like you in that politics has started to interest me in the past few years

i try not to allow it to consume me, but i do quite a bit of reading and research on issues

given some of his stances on things over the last 5-6 years, i can't really understand how he's still in office

morbid misanthrope said...

j holden - He's still in office because he made a pact with the devil. Oh yeah, also because special interest groups with lots of money make sure he stays in power. Besides, he's a Kennedy; people love a Kennedy.

J C said...

morbid - 2 very good points you make

willow - i usually tune out good ol mr. kennedy as well - but these quotes have been made so prominent that it was difficult to not appreciate them

i think the only difference between then and now is that George W. Bush is in the White House - and anything W does is just moronically incompetent in the eyes of dems

morbid misanthrope said...

willow - I too have seen far more than enough of Ted Kennedy and his red nose and flapping, slobbery jowls. So much for the "liberal lion."

If Kennedy is reading this, I would encourage him, instead of sending the SWAT team, to come get me himself. I'd drink him under the table and then kick his ass a bit. I figure I'd be pretty safe as long as I stayed out of his car. Ooooh! Burn!

j holden - Exactly right. Most liberals would badmouth Mother Teresa if Bush nominated her for anything.

Anonymous said...

If you would just take your time to know your way around, you could discover

drunkbh said...

I completely stay away from politics. Basically, I don't believe a damn thing any of them say.

J C said...

Dude....where are you?!?

morbid misanthrope said...

j holden - I've been a bit more busy than usual. I was just made editor of a new magazine in addition to my many other freelance jobs. Needless to say, after several days editing articles full of ridiculous errors, it's a bit difficult to come home, write something, and edit my own ridiculous errors. I'll be back at it soon, though.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »